oatmeal maple scones

October 16, 2010 § 5 Comments

I like to get my work done in coffeeshops. I find the quiet buzz very soothing – maybe it’s comforting to know that even though I’m glued to my laptop, other people are chatting and sipping coffee and leading happy, civilized lives. The consequence, though, is that I’ve now tried most of the baked goods on offer in my neighbourhood. Some are fine, some are great, but when I tried the homemade oreos at Flour I immediately went online and bought their new cookbook. I wanted to replicate them exactly and then eat a bazillion.

Well, yesterday the cookbook finally arrived, and distractible as I am I never actually made it to the cookies. I stopped at the very first recipe: maple oatmeal scones. They sounded perfect for fall and they definitely are: buttery and nutty and not too sweet. They’re very different from my other favourite scones: more texture from the oats, and with lovely crunchy bits from the nuts and craggy tops. By the time my roommates all woke up, they’d filled the house with the smell of maple, and I felt very productive for having baked before anyone else was up. It was made slightly easier by the fact that that was around 2 pm, but it still counts.

So here is the ideal October breakfast: they have all the right flavours, and having the oven on helps counter the new chill in the air – I’ll probably start baking every day just in an attempt to keep my toes warm. Tomorrow I’ll try to make it to the homemade oreos, but I can’t guarantee that I won’t get distracted by the second recipe, or the third… maybe in a few months?


Oatmeal Maple Scones – adapted from Flour

The original instructions are for a stand mixer, and although I covet one I only have a handheld and adapted the instructions accordingly. If you do have one, you can use it for all the steps rather than only switching to it in the last part.

    1 1/4 cups (210 g) flour
    1 1/2 cups (125 g) old-fashioned rolled oats
    1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon baking soda
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/4 cup (50 g) pecans, toasted and chopped
    1/2 cup (80 g) golden raisins
    1 stick cold butter, cut into 10 pieces
    1/3 cup cold heavy cream
    1/2 cup maple syrup
    1 cold egg

Preheat oven to 350°F.

In a large bowl, stir together flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda, salt, pecans, and raisins. Scatter the butter pieces on top. Cut in butter with two knives until it’s somewhat broken down and grape-size pieces are still visible.

In a small bowl, whisk together cream, maple syrup, and egg. Add to flour mixture, and use hand mixer on low speed until dough just comes together, about 20 seconds.

Using a 1/3 cup measure, drop mounded scoops of the dough onto a baking sheet, forming 8 scones and leaving a couple of inches between each. Bake until scones are golden brown on top, 30-40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.


Maple glaze
I found this to be incredibly sweet so just used a drizzle: next time I’d make a half or even third recipe. If you don’t like things to be too sweet, I’d recommend you go easy on the glaze.

    1 cup icing sugar
    3 tablespoons maple syrup
    1 to 2 tablespoons water

While scones are cooling, whisk together sugar, maple syrup, and enough water to make a pourable glaze. When scones have cooled 30 minutes, brush or drizzle glaze over.


§ 5 Responses to oatmeal maple scones

  • Ali says:

    I love these from Carberry’s/Lyndell’s!! yours look equally amazing, if not more so. 🙂

  • These look so amazing and perfect for a brunch with family- we all have a thing for maple around here 🙂

  • Audrey says:

    I’m a little jealous (okay a lot jealous) that your book arrived yesterday, when mine is sitting in a mail truck somewhere. But it’s nice to know this recipe will be waiting for me! I like your blog, btw.

  • Flour is one of my favorite bakeries in Boston. I’m seriously thinking about getting the cookbook as well but then again, maybe it’s best to just leave those treats to an occasion when I just go to the bakery. Tempting stuff. I WILL try this recipe for maple oat scones though. I made the King Arthur kind (from their mix) and my husband and I couldn’t get enough of them. So excited to have found another Boston based blog 🙂

  • Brittany says:

    I can understand why this recipe caught your eye. The messy look of the scones makes them look even more delicious and comforting! They’re almost like a cross between scone and a rock-cake?

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